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Top 7 Affiliate Programs for Bloggers

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In the early days, blogging used to be something like sharing your own thoughts on anything. But, now it has become a full-fledged business, and when it comes to business, the ways to make more money is the real thing to discuss about. Every business’s ultimate goal is to make so much of money. Same with blogging, every blogger wants to make a lot of cash.

For making money through blogging requires patience, and there are many ways you can make money as a blogger. Affiliate Marketing is one of such ways that tops the list of high-earning source for many bloggers.

Top Affiliate Programs for Bloggers

Choosing the best affiliate programs is the best thing you can do to succeed in affiliate marketing. There are many affiliate programs which are waste or cheaters. So, it’s high time that you select only the genuine ones.

In this blog post, I am going to list top 7 Affiliate Programs for Bloggers:

1. Commission Junction(CJ)

Commission Junction Affiliate program

Commission Junction has been the most important affiliate marketplace for many years. It is basically a marketplace where you can find the best affiliate programs to join. It is well trusted and is being used by many top businesses and bloggers.

It is a vast network, and you can find most of the big merchants have their offers listed on CJ. There are various links and banners offered to ease the affiliates. Since it is a big affiliate network, you don’t have to worry about the payments. You get the payments timely. No frauds at all!

2. ShareAsale

ShareAsale Affiliate Program

ShareAsale is another big affiliate network with a huge number of merchants. It has around 3900 merchants on its list, and the best thing is that around 1000s of its merchants are not working with its competitor affiliate networks. That means there are around 1000 exclusive merchants you find on ShareAsale that you won’t find anywhere else.

Most of my blogger friends and me are using ShareAsale since long. It is surely one of the best affiliate marketplaces to find the top affiliate programs for bloggers.

3. Amazon Affiliate Program

Amazon Affiliate Program

Amazon is the biggest online e-commerce website with a huge number of products listed from around 1.6 billion vendors. There is a huge number of bloggers and publishers who have joined their affiliate programs and earning in lakhs. Yes, there are bloggers who solely work with Amazon affiliate and earn huge income.

Amazon has the widest range of products that fits almost all type of consumers. That is why it is used by a vast number of people, so being an affiliate of them is profitable.

Amazon affiliate dashboard is the very user-friendly as compared to other such affiliate programs.

The only thing I hate about it is that its commission rates are too low. And that is the reason you can earn well only if you can sell a huge number of products.

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4. ClickBank

ClickBank Affiliate Program

If you blog about digital stuff, ClickBank is the best affiliate program to find the best products to promote. It is one of the highest commission paying affiliate programs online. It has been paying around 75% commission on many of its products.

You can find the products like e-books, internet marketing software, and many other digital products.

5. Rakuten Affiliate Network [formerly LinkShare]

Rakuten Affiliate Network

Rakuten Affiliate Network has been around since the beginning; it was popularly known as LinkShare. It has been voted as the best affiliate network for years. However, as the competition went on there came many big players like CJ.

However, one of its features sets it apart from others, and that is instead of selecting a static 300×250 banner, it offers a code snippet that allows the rotation of multiple versions of the same ad which is the best way to optimize the ads better to earn well.

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6. eBay Partner Network

eBay Partner Network

eBay is a big company which needs no introduction here. Its affiliate program is interesting, and on the list of top affiliate programs as well. It is well trusted, and you don’t have to worry about your payments.

There are vast number and variety of products over there on eBay that offers a better opportunity to promote every type of products to experiment which one is working for you.

They pay you when someone register through your affiliate link, and places at least one bid on the alive auction within 30 days(count 30days after your affiliate link was clicked).

7. MythemeShop Affiliate

MyThemeShop Affiliate program

If you blog about WordPress and WP themes, you must join MyThemeShop Affiliate program because they create awesome themes for WordPress such as Schema, PointPro, Authority, and many more.

When the product is good, there are more chances to get many sales. So, don’t miss to join their affiliate program, and start promoting your favorite themes on your blog.

Final Words

Affiliate Marketing is becoming one of the best monetization ways for the blogs. Just there is need of choosing the best affiliate programs so that you can earn well.

While choosing the best affiliate programs, you must consider the product type and quality because you must promote only those products which are related to your niche, and have great quality. Low-quality products don’t get sold, and thus, you don’t make any money.

Choose the best, and start earning from Affiliate Marketing.


Comments (1)

  • This is perfect for me, I’ve literally just started blogging and this looks like a great opportunity for me to delve into a bit more. Thank you for the article!


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